Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fun Facts About Twins

A peasant named Kirilow was presented to the empress of Russia in 1853 for the following reason. He had been married twice. His first wife bore fifty seven children, including four sets of quadruplets, seven sets of triplets, and two sets of twins. His second wife gave birth to fifteen children-six sets of twins and one set of triplets. At the time of his presentation to the empress, all seventy two of Kirilow's children were still alive.

Mrs. Mary Jonas (d. 1899) had 15 sets of boy/girl twins.

A woman from Italy had 11 sets of fraternal twins in 11 years the last being in 1947 - not all of them survived.

Marcella Mills-Bigcrow of Pine Ridge, South Dakota had 8 sets of twins,
along with 8 single births. All the babies survived, and were born between the 1940's and 1960's.

The Tremblay's of Quebec, Canada had 6 sets of twins in 8 years. Raymonde (her twin died at birth), Ronald & Ronaldo, Jacques & Jacqueline, Jules & Julien, Francine & Francois, Christien & Christiane.

Mrs. Barbara Zulu of South Africa had 6 sets of twins in 7 years (1967-73), 3 sets of girls, 3 mixed)

The Lecus family had 6 sets of twins and 19 children in total: Edna and Edward on April 3 1886, Charles and Martha April 27 1887, Elizabeth and Irene July 15 1888, Louise and Esther on August 8 1892, Agnes and David on January 3 1899 (Agnes died at age 7), and Emma and Viola in 1902. All were born in the Illinois/Michigan/Wisconsin area. Another daughter, Evangeline, had quadruplets that died at birth.

Six sets of twins were born to Mrs. Harry Fifield of Connecticut.

The Bockus family of Montreal had five sets, the last being born April 4 1845, a boy/girl set.

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